the main story will last about 50 hours


the main story will last about 50 hours

hours, main, story

Firaxis posted a developer feed from Marvel’s Midnight Sunsin which gameplay was shown with new enemies, usable maps, etc.

Also the creative director James Solomon and the producer Garth DeAngelis They were answering a few questions, including how long the game was. To which they replied that the main story will last from 40 to 50 hours.

And how long will it take to complete it 100%?

As they comment, they have carried out many user tests, in which players have come to play up to 80 hours without knowing finished all optional content yet of the title. This means that if we want to search 100%, it can take more than 80 hours.

Of course it seems that Marvel’s Midnight Suns will have plenty of content to enjoy, and in the Xbox area you will continue to receive news about the new Tactical RPG with cards of “the house of ideas”.

I’ve been playing video games for as long as I can remember, so you can tell I like talking about it.

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