Rumors about Xbox Game Studios Publishing have been circulating for a few months. The team responsible for third-party studio partnerships would actually be in business with a total of 8 titles, including a game in collaboration with Stoic Studio. Today, a new recruitment seems to confirm the creation of a future exclusive Xbox!
The banner saga writing studio’s website will post the announcement. In fact, there are several positions to be filled and one of them is directly related to the Microsoft ecosystem. More precisely, it is written in the job description of l’UI engineer
Stoic’s expelled Xbox becoming more and more apparent?
In order to, the person who will be responsible for the user interface must take this into account specifically “the PC and Xbox environments”
Additionally, more details on current recruitments join the elements shared by Jez Corden and Jeff Grubb. So we can read about that The title will take on visual elements in a style “handmade” and that everything runs on the Unreal Engine.
In the absence of an announcement, this information should of course be treated with caution. It’s not the only game from Xbox Game Studios Publishing reportedly collaborating with several big players in the industry. You can find all information on this topic in this video or in our article that goes into detail about these secret partnerships for Xbox!