Both the Playstation 4 and Xbox One have done exactly this generation at retail level. There is still a lot to do, and with the backlash thought to be for both the Xbox Series X and PS5, it looks like the life of these current comforts will be longer than expected.
However Some people already think that these new comforters will sell more than their predecessors. At least that's what IHS Game Research Chief Markit Pires Harding-Rolls said. It ensures that the existing installation links will be critical to the adoption of new equipment.
Both PS5 and Xbox Series X will exceed PS4 and Xbox One launch stats. I keep this idea because the PS4 has a much more user-friendly base compared to the PS3 in 2013, which should put Sony in first place. It's solid when it's presented. I also hope that Microsoft has a much more efficient release for this generation compared to the Xbox One and that there is a much better driver experience early on.
Price for Xbox Series X and PS5
And it is a bit fluid in terms of the price of these new comforters. Of course, the bottom line will be whether there will be supply problems or not, and he points out that they will not exist.
While there is not much we can know about the launch of the next-generation shoot, what I expect is that both the PS5 and the Xbox Series X will introduce hard; and if there is no supply limit and pricing at an acceptable range, I bet $ 499 or less.