It’s not uncommon to read across the broad spectrum of the internet, people on pages or comments ripping their clothes off on which console is better. This, of course, is usually not done with a critical eye, and often ends up being a discussion full of fanaticism and personal opinions.
Ultimately, each console is designed for specific audiences, so it’s not that easy to decide a “real” winner in the world of these. What can be done is compare the hardware and its performance in various aspects, which we are used to seeing in the videos from Digital Foundry, and which today focuses on cooling the Xbox Series X. and the PS5, by the hand of Tom’s Hardware.
Xbox Series X vs PS5: which console stays cooler? Tom’s Hardware tells us
The article produced by these hardware enthusiasts, focuses on several aspects, such as it is easier to open an Xbox Series X than a PS5, how Forza Horizon 5 uses less power than Gears 5 and same how although the two consoles They are quite silent, Xbox The X series takes down the palm to the one that makes the least noise, with only 15.50 decibels against the 25.90 decibels of the PS5.
Temperatures, on the other hand, once again present us as the winner of Forza Horizon 5 over Battlefield 2042 and Gears 5, while the comparison between consoles is a bit more complicated, as in some ways the Xbox Series X has lower temperatures than PS5, but in others like the APU for example, the Microsoft console has a few degrees above the “competition”. Likewise, and as Tom’s Hardware points out, ultimately both consoles manage to maintain acceptable temperatures without a problem, without resorting to the use of strong airflow.
Xbox Series X vs PS5: which console is still the coolest
– Tom’s hardware (@tomshardware) December 2, 2021
If you want to read the full article, you can do so by following is the link.