Ladies and gentlemen, with you the next President of the United States of America: you! In this satirical thriller based on an upcoming story, you occupy the most influential position in the world with one goal in mind: to advance your own agenda. With a shady, rich and ruthless businessman story, you will be the subject of an FBI investigation. They don’t have any proof yet, but eventually they will find something out. Being president grants you immunity and to keep it that way, you will need to approve the 28th Amendment to the Constitution, which grants you immunity for life!
Manage your team of trained professionals and make sure the change is approved, regardless of the cost. How you spend your time in the Oval Office is up to you. Can the sinner become some kind of saint and give the impression that he is in fact a good president? Or will people call him out for the villain he is and drop his approval ratings?
Experience this dark and gritty political thriller when This is the president the December 6, 2021 on PC. We tell you everything in Xbox Area, don’t miss a thing!
Main features of This is the chair
This is the president is a satirical thriller, where the President of the United States runs the country like a mobster and tries to escape justice for past crimes. Change the fabric of the Constitution of the United States by persuading, blackmailing, bribing and intimidating much of the political system to grant you lifelong immunity.
- Manage approval rating, cash flow, and crew like any President of the United States. Stay in charge of your presidency by whatever means necessary.
- Give speeches, write executive orders, handle daily crises, host press conferences, and tweet better than any president.
- Hire a team of assassins, hackers, lobbyists, and other specialists. Send them on dangerous missions which can be solved by legal means. If that doesn’t work, send them on dangerous missions which can be solved through illegal means.
- Discover an engaging interactive narrative with a wide variety of scenarios and options. Will you complete your tenure on your terms or are you just a pawn in a bigger game?
- He rules the country like a real gangster would with a globally feared and respected shadow cabinet.
About the Author
I have traveled to worlds you would never believe, finished with enemies that escape all mysticism. I felt my pulse quicken with each battle, and the sigh of who knows he will have to get up. There is always a villain waiting and an adventure around the corner.