Xbox Game Pass: Enjoy five of the highest-rated games this week

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A new weekend says goodbye to us and all that remains is to see how we return with great enthusiasm to our weekly routine. Although it can be a little discouraging, We must always face these days with all possible impetus.

As usual with this publisher, I bring you everything you need to start the week off on the right foot, accompanied by some recommendations so that you can enjoy your subscription to Xbox Game Pass.

Top rated to enjoy this week

If anything is obvious, it is that the games on the Xbox service have great diversity and also a lot of quality, at least that is what we can say from their ratings. For this reason, I bring you five exceptional titles so you can have fun in the coming days.

Tunic – Adventure Monday and challenge 85/100

A little fox immersed in a fantasy world, facing formidable threats and also dressed in a legendary Zelda-style tunic and Souls-type difficulty, ideal to start the week.

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