When Microsoft started buying Xbox Game Studios studios, fears about what would happen to them came about. In fact, from the first moment they want to make it clear that they don't want to change what they do or how they work, and that they trust their skills.
Under this structure, there are already 15 channels within the Xbox creating console games. However, there are still rumors of a possible acquisition within the company. Of course, this doesn't have to happen, though Microsoft seems clear on what path to take in that regard.
Xbox Game Studios every 3 or 4 months
From MCV UK More details come from his interview with Matt Booty, the head of Xbox Game Studios. In this case, he highlights Microsoft's plans for these new studio-building Xbox games, as well as their potential for more.
We may or may not be getting new courses, but I think that this stage is over. It is a lot of work to make sure that the current study is still valid, and that it feels safe.
Each study has its own culture and way of thinking. We strive to make them understand that this requires conservation, and that they are unique. Now play work on these games.
I think, we probably shouldn't, we bought more studios, but one day we will see that we have to focus on making games. We want to keep that goal in mind, which is to have a great list of games.
As we can see, from Microsoft it seems clear that its purpose is to provide games and to show how all these available features will serve as an Xbox brand.
The introduction of each studio will define Xbox Game Studios
I'm trying stay out of the creative process all I know. The last thing they need is to have me there. I love making games, I love creating games. If you leave me, you could talk to me all day with people who do.
I think my work is neutral, and they have to make sure we support them and have what they need.
An example of this is Saga of Senua: Holblade 2, which was already a reality before the purchase of Ninja Theory. It's not the first time I've heard a study make it clear how Microsoft doesn't fit in, something that can keep the quality we expect, and avoid negative situations for employees.
We may not see the tutorial for a while, even though Xbox Game Studios achieves a consistent flow of games it will always have new information and Universal know-how. Overall, Everwild, Bleeding Edge are some examples of games that, while not AAA, offer the Xbox experience.