It seems like yesterday, but it was in 2013, almost 9 years ago, that our beloved Xbox One hit the market. The console that followed the great success of Xbox 360 brought with it a generational leap not only at the technical level, also in terms of multimedia optionsmultitasking, Kinect and more.
The console didn’t have an easy start, but with Microsoft’s time and effort, it overcame and achieved a console that offered a lot and continues to do so. Digital foundry
Xbox One is still at the bottom of the canyon nearly 9 years later, albeit with limitations
Obviously, the seams of the console are noticeable in some respects, as Digital Foundry points out, with perhaps one of the most noticeable things being load times and some frame rate stability issues. It is no less true that in the first years of the console’s life, it was Microsoft that got the best technical performance from it, while many studios did not put so much effort into taking advantage of its power.
In the following video you can see how the console behaves with different games, some very recent and some from the latest batch. The results are mixed, but you can’t ask for much more, it’s a console that already has three superior models that were launched later. Currently the team Digital Foundry bets on the Xbox Series S if you want to enter the world of Xbox cheaply, since this console offers good value for money.