Yu-Gi-O! Duelist Legacy: Evolution Link – Xbox One


Yu-Gi-O! Duelist Legacy: Evolution Link – Xbox One

Duelist, Evolution, Legacy, Link, Xbox, YuGiO

Konami started playing card games more than two decades ago, building on the success of the manga created by Kazuki Takhashi and the Nihon ad Systems anime. Since then, a number of franchise games have met with various consoles. Will this be the last? Do not hesitate to read our review of Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelist's Legacy: A Link to Evolution.

Yu-Gi-O! Duelist Legacy: Link Xbox One 1

your turn

After a few years when nostalgia has returned to blast in different sectors, as has happened in cinema and the return of Star Wars or Jurassic Park, or in the game itself, with monuments such as Crash Bandicoot or Spyro, Konami offers a huge dose of nostalgia with Yu-Gi-Oh! The Duelist's Legacy: A Link to Evolution.

This "new" installment in Franchise offers the nostalgia doses that any anime fan would like to meet on the controls. We're talking about new delivery quotes because Yu-Gi-Oh! The legacy of the Duelist: Evolution link is a reboot of the title that just arrived on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 back in 2015.

However, after several years in which the card game undergoes many changes (and new seasons, let it be said), Konami gives players the opportunity to enjoy one of the world's most successful card games guaranteed to be completely up-to-date, but it's something we will talk about later.

As we mentioned, the Yu-Gi-Oh story mode! The Duelist Legacy: Link Evolution is a gateway to the core of every fan that has ever lived or continue the life that is experienced by different Franchise opponents. In this section, Konami offers it the possibilities of reducing the energy of the food that comes mostly from different series that include their competitors.

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In addition, it is very affecting in the case of a nostalgic effect that allows us to deal with these areas in the same situation with different "heroes," We'll have the opportunity to play both of them with their actual stairs during the anime we're in, or with nicknames made for us.

As well, given the twists in this, players will also be able to run in the backfield, where they can play the opponent in the series, giving them a chance to get revenge.

However, something is missing after all this, and that's the story of Ju-Gi-Oh! Duelist Legacy: The Evolution link is developed based on static dialogues and closed duel selection. It would not hurt to install a more powerful system, but given the number of duels offered by the game it can be understood as appropriate.

Finally, we cannot finish talking about the ways of this game without referring to them of many of its players. Although its performance is good, the main motivation for playing this mode is lacking. While it is true that the purpose of the game is to meet the other players, it would not hurt if a certain reward was given when we finished the duels.

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I call the Black Witch

Yu-Gi-O! The Duelist Legacy: Evolution Link is the latest version of the card game that can be found today. Despite having the latest rules of the game, which include significant changes and what has been seen so far, in this case new install players will have over 10,000 cards to make the deck they want.

Although we noted that this game is aimed primarily at those who are Yu-Gi-Oh !, this also should not be forgotten. introducing the mechanic to those players starting in the card game, teaching the basic concepts of each card and its unique uses.

And it's one of the hallmarks of Yu-Gi-Oh! It is their facility to introduce new players, but knowing all aspects of the game is extremely complex. Especially because anyone who is experienced in the saga will know that the ins and outs of the game are not only found in defeating the newly named angel, but in building a deck with very little weakness, and that is something that only becomes available over time.

That said, we can assure you that the game is Yu-Gi-O! The Duelist's Legacy: A Link to Evolution It's a very good stage of the game. The sheer number of cards the game makes available to us, as well as the updated mechanics, makes playing in our console providing the same experience as physical, allowing for all kinds of standard, customized summons, fonts, synchro, XYZ, pendulum or link.

Anyway, if we have to give it a go drag on cards. Although the process of obtaining cards is not particularly complicated, since they will be found in open envelopes in exchange for coins of the game, it is true that when short on any envelope the game has, the process of finding these items is boring. Especially since, unlike other titles in the franchise, such as the successful Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links, in this article we do not have a reuse card system, and all the cards we receive over 3 times will be useless.

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Stabbing without bragging

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelist Legacy: The Link to Links follows the subject line of these symbols. Basically we're at the front of the board where we can place our cards, depending on the particular subject and where we live. Although yes, we will have pictures of some of the game's biggest monsters, such as The Dark Man, Stardust Dragon or No 39 Utopia.

As we mentioned earlier, it is the closest thing to having a duel to real life, with good and bad involving this, because, other than the aforementioned, we will only have pictures when we make special meanings, but nothing in attack or card performance.

As for the audio section, the fact is that the title is repeated over a long playing period, and it would not be in place to include any other reference to the original title that arrived in 2015.

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Yu-Gi-O! The Duelist Legacy: An Interactive Link deserves the most complete title in Franchise, and the best way right now to play a card game is probably. While it is true that it has some features, it does not mean that it is a way to get into the parts of many fans of the franchise, who will enjoy each duel they make in their story mode.

And not only that, but once we get the cards we want, and the issues we've discussed so far, we'll be able to spend hours on multiplayer, as we have already noted, one of the shortcomings that invites us to play, much more than the current global standard.

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