Gmail cleanup is importantand if you don’t want received and unread e-mails to accumulate, you must put an end to this situation which is becoming more widespread day by day and making it more difficult to know the important things sent to you.
[Gmail para Android te avisa de cuánto espacio te queda para guardar correos]
Below are some tips you can apply on a daily basis to keep emails from piling up, and They will also come in handy when you go to clean up. in your inbox.
This way, you’ll stop having hundreds of unread emails in your inbox, and you’ll be able to pay more attention to important messages that arrive.
Unsubscribe from mailing lists
If you have a lot of unread emails in your inbox, chances are that a lot of them are belong to a type of mailing list or newsletter
For some time now, Google has offered the possibility of canceling said subscription in a very simple way, by clicking on a button next to the recipient’s name when you open the email.
All you have to do is go and find the emails that certain brands send you periodically and which do not interest you and press the unsubscribe button to clean. If you can’t find it, it will be at the bottom of the email.
Obviously if you want to continue receiving these emails you don’t need to unsubscribe, just make sure you read them and they don’t accumulate in your inbox as unread messages. .
Block users who send you spam and viruses
Although you don’t give away your email lightly, there are times when you may find yourself in your inbox with emails that have more looks like a scam nothing else. If they pass the spam filter and Google does not place them directly in this folder, you can block the email address from which the message was sent to you.
To do this, you just need to open one of the emails you received from this user, click on the options button and click on block. So They won’t even show up in your inbox.
Delete or read mail when it arrives, don’t leave it for later
One of the things that caused me to have a lot of unread emails is that there were a lot of them that I hadn’t read at the time and left for later, something that this makes them easier to forget.
For this reason, one of the best things you can do to remember to reply to or delete an email is to watch it in the moment, whenever circumstances permit, and if you’re not going to be able to respond at that time, wait to open it and do everything at once.
Find all the emails you want to delete
Hay veces en las que correo por correo eliminando los que no necesitas puede ser algo tedioso, pero si tienes claro que quieres borrar todos los correos que te ha enviado una misma persona o bien quieres revisar estos todos juntos, puedes valerte de la herramienta de búsqueda para localizarlos y hacer la limpieza de una forma más ordenada.
Si, por ejemplo, quieres borrar todos los correos que te ha enviado Netflix hablándote de sus nuevas películas y series solo tienes que ir a la barra de búsqueda y escribir from: Netflix. Si en lugar de Netflix pones cualquier otro nombre te aparecerán todos los correos que te he enviado ese destinatario en concreto.
Agrupa todos los correos sin leer para hacer limpieza
Tanto en la versión web como en la aplicación para Android puedes hacer que Gmail te enseñe en primer lugar todos los correos sin leer y en una sección diferenciada.
Ambas secciones son independientes y se ordenan cronológicamente, por lo que podrás navegar por todos los correos que tengas sin leer, ya que estarán todos juntos.
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