5G iPhones Can Be Tired Of Covid-19

5G chip

Nikkei, A well-known news outlet in Japan explains that the delay of these new iPhone 5G models is almost inevitable due to a coronavirus or even called Covid-19. This according to the media is for two reasons: the first is that the lack of supply can directly affect the production of this iPhone and the second reason is that the company itself would be looking to launch these devices later to prevent it being sold just like all other models.

It was also said that adding 5G technology to iPhones will increase the price of this and logically impact the "economy of the millions", so the probable cause of these iPhones will be that afraid they would not sell

. Nikkei also talks about the daunting task of traveling to China in the months of his engineers and all of which involves excessive delays.

IPhone upgrades would have been affected and this is not good for new models, the delay could add up to two or three months. Obviously these are the news we have for months, just there status of coronavirus in China, There were numerous media outlets that addressed issues in the design of iPhones and other Apple devices. Currently the MacBook Air, Mac mini and new Pro are introduced with their new key, so there is no need to despair in this regard, although it is true that it will be difficult to meet the deadline for everyone.



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