Wallpapers have a huge impact on the way we perceive and the style our devices convey. On the iPhone, being such a personal device, it’s more true than ever. From iFixit, they offer us a wallpaper of the most curious, the one that make our iPhone 13 transparent.
A most curious effect, without a doubt
Steve Jobs has already pointed out that Apple devices are practically more beautiful on the inside than on the outside. It’s clear that everyone’s individual aesthetic goes into here, but what can be said is that the interior of the iPhone 13 is worth showing off.
With conveniently cropped and sized photos of the interior of iPhone 13, one can turn our iPhone into a semi-transparent phone, a really curious and fun effect to watch.
We can download the different wallpapers, both for iPhone 13 mini and for iPhone 13, 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max in the gallery below. Let us remember, above all, fully expand the wallpaper before assigning it to our iPhone to make sure the different parts fit exactly where they should.
While we’ve seen similar wallpapers in the past, the truth is, they still grab some attention. In a device with square edges, like the iPhone 13, the effect that we are looking for directly in it is even more interesting.