AirDrop vulnerability puts your data at risk


AirDrop is one of those things that when you have the after de productos Apple te recuerdan por qué te has gastado esa ingente cantidad de dinero en un entorno de dispositivos de la misma marca, a pesar todo ello de que tu cuñado te recuerde en cada cena de Navidad que su Android + Windows hacen lo mismo, pero Cheaper.

However, It’s not the whole mountain that is oregano, as we saw after a recent security call to order. Suspected vulnerability in AirDrop dangerously exposes data such as your mobile phone or email.

Researchers at Technisiche Universistat Darmstadt, discovered in May 2019 that the aforementioned vulnerability affects the wireless interaction between iOS and macOS. Despite the warnings, since then Apple has still not provided a solution to the affected devices, which genuinely surprises us a bit considering how Apple has dealt with these kinds of security issues in the past, especially since ‘they will soon be two years after the Discovery. According to German researchers, the problem arises when activating the AirDrop “Contacts only” function,

this will show us (and we will appear to you) only the AirDrop compatible devices of the people who are on our calendar.

Despite the fact that the information sent is encrypted, which complies with the privacy policies of the Cupertino company,

Researchers believe the system is not robust enough by Apple’s usual standards. This is perhaps the defining point whereby Apple has not yet “fixed” the said vulnerability, knowing that it can only be intercepted while we are transmitting data (a short period of time) and has a light layer of encryption. This is why Apple may consider it to be sufficiently safe or at least very unlikely to be used.



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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