BGR has already told us that The conflict between iOS and Android remains open, and that this bicefalia of mobile platforms is infused with copies, allegations, lawsuits and competitions only developed both operating systems while these consume other options and the market altogether.
Of course Android was initially slower than iOS, but with the maturity of the transfer of ideas from one platform to another it's the same, IOS is better integrated into the iPhone a little better has been awarded the largest mark ever acquired by Apple when developing software and software on its devices. Yes, the gap is fine between Android that works well with the iPhone of the last generation.
In any case, it's clear that Android's freedom is one of the biggest strengths and its main problem, because Google's mobile operating system division turns security into a headache not only the main search engine, but also us, the users, who have not run out of time without the support of updates and consequently without any security starters.
Google personally demanded it distinguish them later in the active system which offers security packages on a monthly basis, but many manufacturers renew it quarterly or twice, they leave their normal places after two years, where most of them continue to travel more and more useful lives.
Apple's control over iOS helps improve security
Right now it is NordVPN that confirms what is obvious to many, but it certainly is choosing an iPhone over Android has security benefits thanks to Comertino's strict fitness control over its platform, both in the operating system itself and in its implementation as well as in the App Store and analysis of published applications.
RiceKIQ reports that on Google Play users are found over 25,000 four apps malware, a far higher price than the malicious apps that come to the App Store, provided A hard analysis by Apple I want to malware, scam and other types of threats.
In any case, these same studies are in agreement with what we have already noted, and that the openness and heterogeneity of Android makes new versions of the program do not come to innumerable devices of all kinds, setting down its users by not receiving security updates:
The number of Google devices registered by Google, of various types and manufacturers, makes it easy to get them updated with the same level of security and at the same time. It also makes it more difficult to use these updates, and they have to be distributed among various manufacturers and devices. Updates to Android come out more often, and devices are less time-consuming.
Partitioning is risky, and if the manufacturer has left your devices on your fate, perhaps the only way you can be absolutely sure is to switch the device in another range that is currently available, and that using outdated versions of Android is not recommended.
The numbers don't lie or Google has left us with no statistics for the distribution of different versions, and that's just the latest published artwork for example Android 5.0 Lollipop saved about 15% market share, add up to 5 years between us.
Even older phones with Kit 4at for Android are still alive, down 10.1%, and can count for up to 7 years now without receiving updates. The other side is hurting, because 77% of iPhone users have iOS 13 phones
Google developed Project Treble, separating apps and services from core from the operating system and taking updates from the Google Play Services to the Play Store, however I still need to keep working for surely Android security is compromised by cracking glad we have suffered so many years … Though actually, I think about it, this news isn't a surprise, is it?
On Andro4all | Android safety guide: make your phone as safe as possible