Car seat is an important factor, another major difference between a cheap and expensive car. There are fabrics, alcantara, leather, imitation leather … Various flavors, without difficulty, leather seats or similar items that although resistant and durable, have many problems Apple Looks like there is something they want to solve. We are currently invested with this patent, where we almost forgot the famous "Apple Car". In any event, Cupertino's company has permission to obtain electronic information for car seats.

Massagers, cooling systems, supports, pins, movements … There is just about everything inside the car seats, and often, especially in leather seats (or a simulation) they cause resources to suffer, and that the movement increases the heat of the seat. So I know They are prone to stretches or deformities that cause undesirable damage to the seats that remain relatively inexpensive. Apple, who cares a lot about this kind of detail, has come up with a plan to avoid these problems that can be caused by different things inside the car seat.

Includes a series of adjustable controls with rollers and inner cover By law they can avoid these problems, even the kind of flexible hanger that can help maintain the durability of the item. It would change the size of the chair and services for each user and thereby increase the life of the material giving better results. A general explanation of Apple's sophisticated technology for seats that seems to have been well taken from Tesla itself, an expert in this kind of technology that you don't think will be needed until now, will the big rumors about Apple Car come back? We hope you won't.