Apple is confirmed to be working on a new home product

Homepod with iPad mini screen

We have been talking for a long time about an Apple TV with a speaker or a HomePod with a screen. Today, references to this new product have been found confirming that Apple is working on it.

We don’t have much idea of ​​what Apple could present in the coming months in terms of home automation and home. But today, they have found references in Apple’s code about a new product called “HomeAccessory17.1” and that does not exist yet. This is how Apple names its products internally, so the HomePod contains the code “AudioAccessory” in its code. But this reference offers us more details, like the one with the number 17.1 which indicates that will use the A18 processor, the same one that the next iPhone 16 would receive

and this will give them all the potential needed to take advantage of Apple’s new Artificial Intelligence.

The data revealed by this discovery does not stop there, we also know that it will have a modified version of tvOS as software, as is the case with the HomePod. A HomePod + Apple TV hybrid? A HomePod with a screen? We don’t know anything about it yet, but it seems clear that it will be a device intended for home use, which It will feature Apple Intelligence and could be the control center for communications within the home, home automation control and entertainment.

. When could this new device see the light of day? According to the references, it could arrive within a year, but nothing is clear yet.

In addition to this discovery, references were also found to two new AppleTV models which could be launched at the end of the year and presented alongside the new iPhone models after the summer. Will they be interesting Apple TV refreshes? Or just new models with minor internal changes to take advantage of artificial intelligence? We’ll have to wait.



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