Apple is looking at building original podcasts for their series

Apple TV +


The news comes from an internal source as reported in a well-known news source, Bloomberg, claiming that Apple has held several meetings with podcast producers to create content from their Apple TV + series. All this is obvious the only strategy for the Cupertino company is to promote their content and follow the steps that other video platforms like Disney +, Netflix or Hulu already have in their podcast system where they talk about new releases and comment on the content they are offering internally.

For some time it has become clear that the monetization of podcasts is highly linked with the producers themselves and exclusive content on other platforms, so with this initiative Apple the company could open the door and make "podcasters run" looking platforms where they can earn money for your podcasts to be less. It should be remembered that Spotify in the United States or iVoox in our country already offers monetization of content and this is special.

Either way, Apple seems to be planning to create the first podcast category and this could benefit podcasters in the future or it may not. All of this should follow its course you already know that Apple is in no hurry, yes, from one day to the next you get everything set up to make it work. There’s also official confirmation, remember that this is something that came from Bloomberg without confirmation

so we will continue to wait.



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