Apple is preparing to improve (even more) Safari security in September


Many will use it in your day to day Safari, Apple's web browser. Browser that probably works well on our Apple devices and upgrades with each update. Now, apart from passing on the Keynote, Apple has just announced that from September 1st Safari will reject all HTTPS certificates over 13 months. After the jump we give you all the details of this important safety calculation.

And this is an important new feature because it will force all web developers to renew their certificates, some will but many will not, and it is for the last time They want to make Safari accept certificates of less than one year, others will be rejected being the ones that are obtained by having safety holes. HTTPS certificates protect us from someone seeing our traffic by logging in between our network and our device.

825 day certificates are currently accepted, with this change the Campertino boys want to bring during this time reduced to just 398 days, something that will undoubtedly bring a lot of security to our devices and especially our privacy, one of Apple's biggest problems. It's interesting the announcement they made from Campertino, something that shows that their primary purpose is still the security of our devices and protecting our privacy. You will need to see the new features introduced by the next iOS 14, because without a doubt one of its strategies will be system security. From iPhone News we will notify you of any news available on the announced apps from Carlertino, or not.



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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