Apple Music will have new features in iOS 18

Collaborative playlists or Apple Music collaborative playlists

There is nothing left until Apple presents iOS 18. We are less than a month away from WWDC and from Cupertino they announce the latest update to the iPhone operating system which has the more changed in recent years with the integration of AI and personalization functions. But that won’t be all, says a new rumor a new Apple Music feature that all users will love.

If you are Apple Music users, you will know it Apple was one of the last to implement the Crossfade in transitions between songs on its streaming platform. And we had to wait until last year with iOS 17 for Apple to integrate this functionality into Apple Music even though the competition had already implemented it for some time.

However, according to AppleInsider, Apple goes further with iOS 18 and tests a new “smart song transitions” feature for Apple Music

. This will be based on the function of Crossfade existing, but so far it is not possible to detail what it will consist of. It is believed that one of the new features will be to adjust the timing of its own Crossfade
exists, but so far these are mere speculations.

It is more, The latter is currently possible from the Settings application on our iPhonego to Music and adjust the option Crossfade slide to increase or decrease the time (a variation between one and 12 seconds is possible).

It’s almost time to see what surprises Apple includes in iOS 18 and Apple Music. Sure that There are a lot of new features announced at WWDC and even more those which do not count and which the users themselves will discover as the betas are released.



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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