Apple presents iPadOS 18 at WWDC24

iPadOS 18

After visionOS 2 and iOS 18, it’s time to iPadOS 18, the big update that will arrive on the iPad in the coming months. Although we have not seen any major new developments, we have seen increased personalization the home screen and the new control center, a new Calculator application improved with the Apple Pencil capable of solving large mathematical calculations or the new Notes application which allows us to integrate new digital content with our own calligraphy.

A handful of new features and redesigns arrive with iPadOS 18

One of the most important new features is the customization of the home screen and control center, which are new features that we will also be able to enjoy in iOS 18. We will have the possibility of moving icons on the screen, tinting all applications in a single color or enjoying a new dark mode on the screen reception.

iPadOS 18

Are included new smoother animations in a large number of native applications such as Keynote, Swift Playgrounds, Numbers, etc. New features are also included in SharePlay

like the ability to share the screen to even control a friend’s screen to solve problems of all kinds.

Math NotesMath Notes

We can also finally use the application Calculator on the iPad. It has new features such as a calculation history. Additionally, the function is presented math notes, It’s about solving mathematical formulas using the Apple Pencil by drawing the calculation, surprisingly we will receive the result with our own writing. You can also perform calculations naturally by working with numbers or mathematical problems or physics calculations,

which can be modified if the parameters are modified directly in a drawing that we have on hand.

The Notes app is also getting a big change in iPadOS 18. One of the functions is called Intelligent writing, a function that allows us to improve the handwriting that we write with our Apple Pencil to make it more readable, adapting the handwriting to what iPadOS 18 knows we have. Also adapts calligraphy to handwritten text when we paste digital text.



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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