Check if you have the active alert


Check if you have the active alert

active, alert, Android, Check, earthquake, the emergencies, tutorials

Alerts for earthquakes like the one in Turkey are on your mobile

Alerts for earthquakes like the one in Turkey are on your mobile


The free Android

Only last year, the Spanish government began using extreme alerts to notify as soon as possible the person who might be close to an earthquake, such as the one who happened in Turkey. Android was also updated last year with a similar measure for earthquakes and that you have available from your mobile.

[El Gobierno va a hacer que tu móvil pite: qué pasará a partir del lunes y por qué importa]

Earthquake alerts like the one in Turkey on your mobile

Google has a whole page full of earthquake early warnings. An extraordinary event which, depending on its magnitude, may become devastating. For this reason, our mobiles have been updated to provide a system capable of issuing the warning just in minutes where a correct decision can mean the difference between life and death.

This system is available on Android and sends earthquake alerts in cases of magnitude 4.5 or greater. There are two very different alerts: one for weak or mild tremors and another for moderate or extreme tremors.

The two types of earthquake alerts you can receive on your mobile

The two types of earthquake alerts you can receive on your mobile

The free Android

In other words, depending on the magnitude of the earthquake, you can find one or the other. It is quite clear that the note in redThe moment you open the mobile, it will recommend that you take appropriate action as soon as possible, such as immediately drop to the ground, cover yourself with a sturdy structure, and hold onto it as best you can.

Both are available depending on the magnitude of the earthquake. The former for tremors of 3 and 4 degrees on the MMI scale during an earthquake of magnitude 4.5 or greater, while the latter is only sent with tremors of 5 or greater on the MMI scale.

The difference between the two alerts is that one respects volume settings and does not disturb, while the second will ignore them so that you quickly take the smartphone and follow the instructions.

How do I know if my mobile has the active alert?

Thanks to the fact that Google updated Android through Google Play Services, the vast majority of cell phones are equipped with mini seismometers capable of detecting the presence of an earthquake.

On the right screen you can see the active option for the seismic alarm

En la pantalla de la derecha se puede ver la opción activa para la alarma de terremotos

El Androide Libre

Siempre es importante tomarse unos segundos para pasar por la configuración del teléfono y así revisar que tenemos activa la alarma de terremotos al seguir estos pasos:

  • Hay que ir a Seguridad y emergencia.
  • Buscamos “Alertas de terremotos”.
  • Una vez dentro nos cercioramos de que la opción “Alertas de terremotos” está activa.

Incluso más abajo en esas opciones podemos realizar una demostración para ver cómo nuestro móvil hace la alerta y así incluso quedarnos con el sonido del mismo. Sí que es verdad que Google avisa de que no todas las alertas están disponibles de todas las zonas, no se detectan todos los terremotos o que se puede recibir la alerta justo después.

Estos ajustes en los móviles se encuentran normalmente en la misma ubicación

Estos ajustes en los móviles se encuentran normalmente en la misma ubicación

El Androide Libre

Sea como fuere, revisar el móvil para certificar que tiene la alerta de terremotos no lleva más que unos segundos, así que os recomendamos desde estas líneas pasar por esa configuración.

También avisamos de que esos ajustes quizás no estén en tu móvil y debas actualizarlo a la última versión de Android; al igual que pueden estar presentes desde otras secciones. En nuestro caso hemos usado un Galaxy Z Flip 4 de Samsung.

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