Chrome switches to Material You dynamic theme on desktop


Chrome switches to Material You dynamic theme on desktop

Android, apps, Chrome, Chromium, Desktop, Dynamic, Google, Material, Switches, theme

Material You has appeared in many Google apps, as happened in early September on YouTube. Now the big G is ready for this theme color-centric dynamic also switch to the desktop version of Chrome. That is, part of the interface elements will be colored so that everything is visually in harmony.

[Evita usar esta función de Chrome: tus contraseñas pueden ser enviadas a los servidores de Google]

Chrome con Material You en tu PC

Via The Verge, we know that a new feature has been included in the Canary version of Chrome that pick a color scheme for the browser depending on the background used when a new tab is opened.

That is to say if the wallpaper is changed of a new tab in Chrome, the color palette of the interface and the address bar will be adjusted. This is not something new in itself, because previously it was possible to change the theme of the browser, so now the big difference is that it will do it automatically, whenever the wallpaper is changed .

Chrome with the dynamic theme in the bar

Chrome with the dynamic theme in the bar

The edge

The free Android

And it is that the same description in Chrome shows that the theme based on the background image color it will be changed when this one is modified. This feature can be enjoyed in browser versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Of course, this function will be more present when the modified wallpaper has a more vivid color, such as they can be orange, red or greenbecause if you’re using one based on a light or dark theme, it won’t be as noticeable with those UI elements.

Chrome with the dynamic theme in the bar

Chrome con el tema dinámico en la barra

The Verge

El Androide Libre

Esta nueva característica de Chrome en su versión de escritorio llega justamente de Android 12 y Android 13 que han recibido mejoras para que el tema dinámico influya más en la experiencia visual con un móvil Android.

Si quieres probar esta novedad solamente has de teclear en la barra de dirección esta flag: “chrome://flags/#customize-chrome-color-extraction“. Se activa y simplemente abrimos una nueva pestaña para modificar el wallpaper y así revisar que todos los elementos se personalizan tal cual.

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