Today it rules. For several weeks, we've been traveling for about a month, there is a common idomine in the discussions WhatsApp, in workshops or in conversations with home-based participants. That's it interruption that it forces us to change our daily routines, that the economy will change in this decade and that it shows us a new world where the social and technological divide will have a lot to say in the years to come.
That we bring work homeThose who spend part of their days in detention, point out the fact that I will tell you next. We have relaxed security measures when controlling files and confidential information, because our computers and communications are usually much safer than those found in companies. Fortunately, the FBI, which we've talked about here more than once, listens to the digital world.
Broadband for hackers
Recently, thanks to information we were able to obtain from the American media The Hill, we were able to learn how the FBI confirms that online crime is slowly increasing
We have increased the vulnerability of the Internet and raised the interest of actors who threaten to exploit them. Most hackers come from the country and are eager to find research-related information about COVID-19. In addition, the rapid transition to telephone has opened up a lot of potential for hackers to exploit.
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Many are the aims and methods of making these digital criminals. In this case, as in the normal operating procedure, it seems emails that contain inappropriate content, we also have on Android, can be one of the best ways to infect computers. Obviously, i World health organization either Department of Health and Human Services They are targeted at these workers, as well as other hospitals and health-related sectors. Marc Rogers, CEO of a cybersecurity software company, qualifications to say:
Although hospitals are at high risk of attacks, it turns out that the coronavirus challenge has unleashed a whole wave of cyber attacks. We have seen the emergence of streetlights at major events, such as the Olympics or natural disasters, because criminals agree to any problem that causes uncertainty. We were not prepared for the World War of Cyber, which is almost what we face today.
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