Data shows Android slowly losing ground to iOS


Data shows Android slowly losing ground to iOS

Android, data, ground, iOS, Losing, shows, Slowly


A report from the firm StockApps indicates that iOS has increased its market share against Android, which has decreased, but has not lost the first place.

In a world controlled by iOS and Android, the latter has lost ground to Apple’s mobile operating system. According to a recent StockApps reportthe Android’s market share fell 7.5 percentage points (from 77.32% recorded in 2018 to 69.74% in January 2022). iOS recovers significant points in the same time frame (from 19.4% to 25.49%).

Despite Android’s dominance, iOS is a strong contender

Google Android will be the winner not only due to user preferences, but also the variety of supported devices gives you plenty of leeway. From iOS, that’s 6 percentage points worth a lot. It is a time of 4 years in which many factors that contributed to the growth of the system can be assessed. to exist entry-level products like iPhone SE and iPadthe latter which maintained its price and improved its performance.

Following the information line, the price of each of the devices is another important factor. In Android there are a variety of ranges, in addition to being classified according to the quality of its functions. An additional factor that we identify here at iPadizate is that brands are also striving to offer better features at a lower price.

iOS Android operating system market share over time

Historical global operating system market share

Interesting facts about iOS and Android by region

The StockApps report highlights some data by region in terms of preferences. In South America and Africa (90% and 81%) Android is the predominant operating system. It is known worldwide that Apple devices are more expensive in these countries, especially in Latin America. Only 10% of the total number of devices in this region are iOS.

In North America, it’s the opposite.we know they are the favorites and it’s like a matter of hate, in the United States, Canada and Mexico (in that order) more than half of the market share goes to iOS. In summary, 7 out of 10 mobiles in the world are under Android.

Nokia phones with KaiOS

Ultimately, note that systems such as the one run by Nokia and KaiOS have a 2% share. What is very strange is that Nokia has returned to the days when everything seemed normal and they reigned as number 1 in sales, KaiOS is the attempt to use mobile phones that have nothing to do with the latest technologies. We will see if, over time, this type of mobile still has its place or if iOS and Android continue to largely dominate, despite the fact that they may be operating systems vulnerable to hacking.

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