Just as there are apps to find new movies to watch or new books to read, there is also a equivalent to the world of video games, an application with which you can organize your library of games on hold and search for new titles that you might like.
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There’s not a lot of variety in this area, but you’re one of the most complete applications in this sense and it can be useful if you are a fan of the world of video games.
Moreover, it offers basic information about the games such as their release year, platforms, and images that can be useful for you to know if this is what you are looking for or not.
Games database and interesting information
Stash is an application that can help you a lot if you are a fan of video games and want to have a kind of database where you can find information about your favorite games or the next games you want to play.
We have already told you on occasion of applications such as Moviebase which aim to classify values and explore films and series, and in this case the same thing only happens with video games .
On the main screen of the application, you will find a list of the most played games currently as well as a section in which the algorithm will offer some recommendations that they think you might like based on the games you have rated positively.
On the other hand, it also has a search engine in which you can explore the titles you can think of, both the latest releases and more classic games.
In the tab of each video game, there will be relevant information about it, such as its release date, the developer company, where you can buy it and images of the game itself and recommendations for similar games you may also like.
The app is quite comprehensive, but it’s not perfect as some sections, like the news section, need some more tweaking. However, it’s a good alternative if you’re looking to keep up with the latest releases and popular games and have one place to search for games.
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