Does Apple protect me when I use the Internet?


We understand privacy as our ability to control our information, information or files. And managing it means being able to decide who we share with whom. Until the advent of the Internet, even though there were some problems, privacy was something that could be very manageable. But now this thing has been difficult. And that happened because when sailing away we leave a trace that it is not only the companies who want to move on, but sometimes also the people with the worst intentions.

Security doesn't go with the type of computer or smartphone you haveSo, it doesn't matter if you have an iPhone, Mac or app of some kind. We are all exposed to cyber attacks, identity theft, and other types of privacy related issues. For example, the norm of identity theft when shopping online, is very common these days. Because this is the best we use methods that help us protect our identity.

How to protect yourself online

Iphone security

  1. You are using a VPN. Download the best VPN (virtual private network) and open it in your browser, especially when looking at a public wif network (such as a library or restaurant). When you use a VPN, all the traffic you generate will be encrypted, so it will be very difficult for anyone to access your data. It's a really useful tool, and it doesn't need to be installed.
  2. Customize your Wi-Fi network. The good thing is that you customize the Wi-Fi network, because the data and settings automatically get insecure, which can be easy to access. First, change the password, change the router name or you can also add WPA2 encryption.
  3. Use strong passwords. Sometimes it seems tonight to create a new location password, as we ask for more features. Yes, this is not something that annoys you, but your safety. The good thing is that it has more than six characters, including some special character (if possible), and a high and low case. And if it can create a different password for each site, protect others if possible.
  4. Check the privacy policies of your social networks. When you create a new profile you want to say yes to everything without having to read the terms. Of course, it is better to review the privacy policies of all social media accounts. In some cases you can choose the privacy level. If you decide to pull too much without having to decide so. But it's important to know how to protect yourself. With this you can decide who can access your content and who can. We also instruct you to review the privacy policy from time to time, as sometimes there are changing terms.
  5. Delete your accounts. Certainly by now you already have a profile on creating more websites and platforms than you think. Well, just like at home it is sometimes good to put on a set and clean up. To do this, by looking at your email, you can remember which pages you are subscribing to, delete the accounts you do not use and keep those required. It's a way to delete your personal data from sites where you don't want to use it.
  6. Close times. This is very common to leave websites without logging out. Yes, it looks stupid but it is very important to do so. If it's not easy for some well-intentioned people to have access to your data. Apply again to your social networks.
  7. Avoid sending multiple account items. 100% of security is non-existent, when we use the Internet regularly we are exposed. So, if you want to protect yourself, it is best to share a little personal information. This is difficult today, but you can try to make an example on social networks. Mostly that information you wouldn't want to have third parties. Pay close attention to what you publish.
  8. Watch your data provider. Most of all, you trust web pages that know or respect GDPR and LOPD, information that you easily find on their website, if they don't, you suspect. Do not provide personal or banking information on webpages you may not know you can trust.
  9. Payment Methods. Sometimes when shopping online, when we make a payment we have to show up at the payment gateway, that is, on the request details page (such as the card code or SMS code that our bank gives us). It is very helpful for our safety.

Privacy is important on the Internet. Our navigation is off the mark, and more is taken into account the amount of information we provide when creating accounts or when using our bank details. So, let's use the computer, it's important to take precautionary measures against this exposure.

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I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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