Unlike its main competing Telegram, the constantly updated messaging app adds exciting news and features to all its users, the fact that WhatsApp is more likely to receive updates. Despite this, this has not stopped being the most widely used and popular messaging tool.
Although today we woke up with a little surprise and that WhatsApp has added a new feature to its functionality. No, it's not really that important but at least it's something that is curious and will work to make communication between people more portable and enjoyable during confinement due to COVID-19 or coronavirus.
"Together at Home" is a new package of WhatsApp stickers
"Home Collaboration" is a new pack of sticks developed by WhatsApp in partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) in these difficult times that unfortunately we have to live. The coronavirus has completely changed the way we used to live and now that we have no choice but to be home while things go back to normal. Whether it's by phone, reading a book, watching series and movies, or playing video games.
That's why WhatsApp wants to remind us of these stickers that despite all the evil we are facing, we'll be closer together. As Engadget digital media reports report, this new pack includes stickers that remind us that we should always wash our hands, that using telework is a fashion, you can exercise at home, and some include phrases such as "You are my hero / heroine" or " We will meet on this ".
In a sense, all WhatsApp users, both Android and iOS You should already have this package in your app for the new stickers section, so no additional updates are needed.
There is no question that WhatsApp has been an important tool for communicating with your family and friends about this health problem. In addition, WhatsApp Preparation is already allowing video calls for more than four people, something that will be important throughout the coming weeks or months.
And let's not forget that WhatsApp is very much aware of this issue and is working on ways to fight the hoax. prevent false information about COVID-19 from circulating in your group discussions.
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