Facebook is updating Messenger to make it easier and faster

Facebook is a company that has everything, a company that even though its social network has lost users is worried about buying other programs. One of the fastest growing Facebook apps Facebook Messenger, an application that has been the latest well-reviewed company app, and one that has undergone many changes in its design and functionality.. Now they are rebuilding it, but they are rebuilding it to do it simple and fast

on all operating systems of mobile devices. After the jump we told you how this new Facebook Messenger was.

It should be said that the purpose of the app is always the same, yes there are many who would like a possible combination, or at least one app that allows us to have all the Facebook services in it, but Messenger remains the same messaging app that uses Facebook contacts as recipients. Facebook is focused on reducing Messenger weight and as a result it has decided to use native apps and iOS apps

(in this case), something is possible thanks to Apple's development tools (UIKit and iOS native languages). The good news is that it can eventually add to other company plans and will doubtless give us better stability and more protection of our data.

After all, there is nothing and nothing less, a reduction of around 80% of the app's weight, and this was achieved because of reduction of over one million application lines… We'll see how this works, of course, they now have less control over the app, but it's also true that the performance can be improved with the help of iOS, and this is a good app for Apple devices.



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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