Global sales of smartphones they were down as unprecedented this past February. A 38% decrease compared to last year, the highest in the history of the sector, according to data shared last year Analytical Strategy.
Smartphone companies expired last February 61.8 million units have been sold, down from 99,2 million units by 2019. This decline in demand is led by the Asian market and the confinement of certain populations due to coronavirus. Obligation to close facilities and non-availability of road access to consumers
February was not just a dark month in the Asian market, as it were globally it was already starting to see how sales of smartphones went down, traveling at low speeds, preparing for the coming months.
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Strategy Analytics analyst Yiwen Wu points out in a report published that the idea of recovery is beginning to manifest in the Chinese market, although globally, March will continue to think it has slowed down in this direction, if measures are being taken to curb coronavirus, which is now at the forefront of markets such as the European or North American markets.
Apple stores in various countries remain completely closed. Spain, the United States, Italy, France, the United Kingdom or Germany are just some of the examples where Cupertino wholesale stores are now forced to close, without knowing when they will return to business. In addition, Apple already communicated in February that it would not be possible to achieve the profit raised for this second quarter of revenue. In April Apple will share its business during the second quarter and only then will we be able to evaluate what the virus means to the apple company.