Finding an email in Gmail is going to be a whole lot easier with ‘best results’, AI-enhanced search


Finding an email in Gmail is going to be a whole lot easier with ‘best results’, AI-enhanced search

AIenhanced, easier, , Finding, Gmail, lot, results, search

Google has announced a new feature of Gmail that should make it easier for us to find a specific email: the principle results. For a search, the results that Google thinks best match what you are looking for will be highlighted.

Gmail Top Results already enables Gmail for Android and uses machine learning to apply factors such as date and other relevance factors to determine which emails are most likely to match what you are looking for and show them to you in a section of their own, followed by any additional results just below.

Improved search with a touch of AI

The bone Mail search results in Gmail not so goodwhich is somewhat ironic since its creators are the same search engine that got where it is, among other things, by delivering relevant results.

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In Gmail, however, search has always been something literal and strictly chronological order. It’s a problem if you’re not sure when an email you’re looking for is because you don’t know how far you should keep scrolling. Now Gmail is going to give you a hand by highlighting some results.


The solution is called Principle results and it’s already live in the Gmail app, at least for some users. In this section, we’re going to look at a few emails that Google thinks are particularly relevant to your search regardless of their date. They can be from yesterday or five years ago. Just below we have the rest of the results as before, in “results by mail”.

To determine which emails appear in the top results, Gmail uses email templates. machine learning what do they use the search term and a number of factors that the company did not share, perhaps to prevent their abuse. In our tests, it seems to prioritize emails marked as favorites or from our contacts, which makes sense.

More information | Google

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