In chip design, two fundamental elements have a direct effect on chip performance, power and performance. On the one hand, we find the same architecture of the chip and on the other hand the number of transistors which fit on it. On this quantity of transistors, TSMC has some very good news for the M2 Pro.
Many more transistors on the same chip
According to the Commercial Times of Taiwan, (via MacRumors), TSMC will manufacture the M2 Pro chips in a 3nm process. Thus, Apple will be the first company to use the manufacturing process expected from the Taiwan-based company. And this will be a very significant change.
Both in terms of performance per watt and thermal efficiency, more transistors on a single chip is very good news. Thus, while M2 represents a linear evolution with respect to M1, the M2 Pro will make a significant qualitative leap compared to the M1 Pro
In the second half of next year, Intel should also switch to using these chips, as well as Qualcomm, MediaTek or Broadcom, among others. For now, however, it will be Apple that releases these chips. A few chips we can see in the company’s products, that same month of October
After the introduction of the iPhone 14 and Apple Watch Series 8 in September, we suspect an event in October will focus on the new 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro, among others. Some computers that They will arrive with the M2 Pro and the M2 Max and which, as far as we know, will mark a before and after in Apple’s silicon range.