Gmail for Android tells you how much space you have left to save your emails


Gmail for Android tells you how much space you have left to save your emails

Android, apps, emails, Gmail, Google apps, left, Save, Space, tells

Google is a huge company. This is partly due to its policy of offering free products and focusing its revenue on advertising. It’s something we’ve seen on the internet almost since its inception. However, this has been changing for a few years in the world, and Google is no exception. The change you applied to Google Photos is a good example.

[Gmail ha evolucionado y es mucho más que una aplicación de correo electrónico]

Since then, users have been given 15 GB free to use as storage in the company’s applications and services. Now Gmail tells us how much we have left.

A new counter arrives on Gmail

The latest Gmail update shows us in the menu that opens when we click on our avatar a progress bar indicating the amount of available storage occupied.

Space available in the Gmail and Google One interface

Space available in the Gmail and Google One interface

As you can see, if we click on it, the Google One interface opens, which allows us to access monthly payment plans that expand our storage.

Clearly, Google’s idea is to present the possible need to expand our storage by paying. That’s why it sends notifications warning that “the slope is almost full” while we still have a third empty one.

Interface in Google Photos and Google Drive

Interfaz en Google Fotos y en Google Drive

En otras aplicaciones, como Google Fotos, ese contador aparece en la misma sección de la aplicación. Sin embargo, en otras como Google Drive vemos que no hay rastro del mismo. Obviamente, tampoco está en Chrome o Google Maps, pero ahí es normal ya que no son aplicaciones que ocupen espacio en nuestra cuenta.

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