May of last year action What's on my screen? by Google Assistant It stopped working, I couldn't find anything and soon, it surprises many, has disappeared of application. There was no way find information about appearing on the screen so far
When no one expected, a new app update Google for Android
What's on my screen?
This function is within a Google Assistant. When activated the assistant we'll see as first suggesting the action "What's on my screen?". By clicking on this action Assistant analyze the text from the screen to show us related information
With certain Google-style Cards and Now-Tap, Assistant can show us phone numbers, addresses, apps, personal files, profiles, movies, music, restaurants or keywords to perform searches related to what we've seen on our mobile screen.
"What's on my screen?" It works great, because it saves us the ability to select and copy texts to addresses, phone numbers, or any product or subject we want to make a question on. Google Assistant will show you the action for each keyword found in this text.
Via | 9to5Google