Google paid Apple $20 billion to become Safari’s default search engine

 Google, Safari's default search engine

The conversations between Google and Apple have never been hidden. Although conditions are currently being negotiated to include Google’s AI, Gemini, in the Big Apple’s new operating systems. However, behind all of this office chatter are terms that, for many, imply monopolistic practices. Among them, the billion dollar contract that the two companies have signed since 2002 by which Google is Safari’s default search engine, the iOS browser. In a document disclosed a few hours ago, it was discovered that the rate was 20 billion dollars in 2022.

The money Google paid Apple in 2022 to be the default search engine has been disclosed

Even though things have changed in recent months in the European Union, Safari remains the default and most used browser for iOS and iPadOS. It is therefore the route to access the Internet for the majority of users around the world. For this reason, Google and Apple have had an agreement since 2002 according to which Safari searches Google by default. Contract terms are opaque and non-public, but are sometimes leaked for various reasons. In 2021, the cost of the default search engine cost Google more than $15 billion.

Google Gemini

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A few hours ago, Bloomberg had access to the price of this same action in 2022 and according to the American media The figure was around $20 billion. to keep the default searches on Google. This information was stolen from documentation issued by the US Department of Justice as part of a lawsuit against Google, accused of monopolistic practices. In fact, the ministry itself assured that Google has monopolized online searches thanks to its power, and it’s clear that not every business can afford to spend these amounts of money every year.

This will remain the case until Apple can have its own search engine, which has been rumored for too long. In fact, we will see how the fact that Apple can count on Google Gemini in its operating systems impacts the contract since the opposite situation could still happen and it is Apple that ends up having to pay millions of dollars to Google, even keeping the search. engine as the default search engine in Safari.

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I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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