Google account in its official blog that last year, the search for “how secure is my password” increased by 300%. Perhaps it was because online services have increased their use due to the pandemic or because, surely, passwords are a weak form of authentication. First, because they are usually not as strong as they should be. Second, because if someone steals them from us, we are sold.
This is why Google points out in its blog that the company is exploring ways to make the online services it manages and operates more secure in the future, and that the accesses are more robust and pleasant
All with two-step authentication and a future goodbye to passwords
Two-factor authentication is a secure system that has been used for a long time when accessing certain platforms that implement it in their security systems. We enter our username and password, and we are asked for a second code which is provided to us either by SMS (not very secure) or via a dedicated application. It is a system that we have recommended several times because although the first key is “stolen” by others, the second is already much more complex to eliminate.
“One of the best ways to protect your account against an incorrect or broken password is to set up a second form of verification. Another way for your account to confirm that it is you is by signing in . Google has been doing this for years, making sure your Google Account is protected by multiple levels of verification. “
Google claims to have experimented with various identification and authentication systems for its services which are more pleasant and more secure than the current ones, and that this is done via end up implementing two-step authentication by default for all. But they also indicate that they see a future in which we don’t have to use passwords of any kind.
From Google, they point to the good functioning of its current password manager built into Chrome (which works natively in ChromeOS and Android) which allows, among other things, that we do not need to remember these passwords when ‘it is connection on different websites and services. But Google wants to go further and end up completely removing passwords.
“Someday we hope stolen passwords will be a thing of the past, because passwords will be a thing of the past,” they tell Google. the path they are currently traveling in the security section for your systems, services and applications. But in the meantime, Google is gearing up to enable two-factor authentication and it would be nice if we had to familiarize ourselves with these systems. If we haven’t already.
More information | Google