Internet security has become one of the main concerns we have every time we use a cell phone, computer or tablet in Europe, and it’s no wonder. There have been cases where by downloading applications from untrusted sources, devices such as smart TVs or smartphones have become infected.
Confidentiality is also an important issue, as sometimes some apps and platforms go too far with permit applications. Fortunately, some, like Facebook or Instagram, allow you to change their settings so that users can turn off tracking of their activity.
And since the two social networks are unified in certain aspects, there are options related to privacy and tracking that have moved to a different location than where they were. Specifically, in the account center, what is the name given to where the shared settings are located.
Disable tracking
It’s often the case that social networks collect not only what you do in the app itself, but also what websites you visit from within the app or what links you click on. This tracking also happens on Facebook and Instagram, and both apps can track which websites you visit from them unless changed in settings.
To deactivate it, you must go to one of the two applications and open the Account Center section. Once there, you must go to Your information and authorizations and click on Your activity outside of Meta technologies. Here you will be able to see recent activity, which is the latest that Meta has collected.
By clicking Unlink Previous Activity, you can delete all data the company has collected so far. In Manage Future Activity, you can turn off tracking so the company doesn’t get their hands on this data. The company specifies that if the future activity is separated, the same will be done with the previous one, so it is enough to do it only in this section.
In this way, Meta will not collect the information sent to it by other platforms about your activity, nor will it collect it itself, which will improve user privacy. There are other recommended settings to make Instagram and Facebook more secure, such as putting the profile in private mode or removing the message reading notification sent to people we speak with.