How to Record Videos with iPhone Screen Off and Without Jailbreak

Record with iPhone screen  off

Many of us are users who use our devices daily to record videos or capture a moment through photography. The quality of our iPhone’s camera also encourages us to do so.

The problem, as usual, especially if we use our iPhone to record videos is the battery consumption when the screen is on while recordingsomething logical especially if we want to record a long video and we don’t want to miss any detail. But surely you have left the iPhone more than once in a position where it records absolutely everything that happens on the screen. In these cases, it is better to do it with the screen off to save battery.

How to Record Videos from iPhone with Screen Off

In these cases, the best thing we can do to save battery is record with the device screen off using two functions combined which were not originally designed for this purpose.

The process would look like this:

  1. We open the settings, we go to Accessibility/Quick function.
  2. If not, we enable “Guided Access” and “VoiceOver”.
  3. When recording the screen, we will put the iPhone on silent mode, because we don’t want it to start talking while we are recording.
  4. Now we open the Camera app and swipe to switch to video mode.
  5. We press the stop button three times and choose “VoiceOver”.
  6. We press the record button once, and that will select it. Since “VoiceOver” is active, it won’t record yet.
  7. Double click the record button and recording will start.
  8. Now, to turn off the screen, we tap three times with three fingers on the screen. If we want to check that it is still recording, we repeat the triple tap with three fingers to turn it on.
  9. To stop recording, with the screen on, press the stop button twice.
  10. And to exit “VoiceOver”, press the off button three times and uncheck its option.

All that remains is to turn up the volume again and check that the recording was successful.

How to do it with an iOS 9 bug

There is another option for older devices that are still running iOS 9. In this case a bug is exploitedand was present in all versions of iOS 9 that we tested. The process would be like this

  1. From the lock screen, click the camera icon and swipe to the middle of the screen.
  2. Then, without releasing the finger, we select the video option and click on the red button to start recording.
  3. Now we have to double-click the Home button three times and wait for the iPhone screen to turn off automatically, just as it would if we had pressed the Home button just to see the time.
  4. At this point, the iPhone records everything in front of the camera until we press the home button again.

Being able to record video with the iPhone screen off without jailbreak can be a process with more steps than we would like, but the benefits are undeniable. In addition to saving battery, not jailbreaking at a time when even the scene This is not so good nor really necessary. With what is explained here, making something like this promotional video will be more of a reality than ever:



I started playing Xbox a lot thanks to Call of Duty online. Since then I haven't stopped playing competitive online.

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