how to solve this request and prevent it from reappearing in the system settings of our computer


how to solve this request and prevent it from reappearing in the system settings of our computer

computer, prevent, reappearing, request, settings, solve, System

We’re used to the fact that the System Settings app – formerly System Preferences – on Mac sends us few notifications. When you do, in addition to the notification itself in Notification Center, a small number one remains in the Dock. A number one that usually indicates a system update, but in some cases it can send a very different message.

“Confirm Mac Password”. A rather important notice in the application of the settings of our computer which, if we do not pay attention to it, can become a bit repetitive. And not just repetitive, as it affects the way we use the Mac by preventing access to certain features or requiring additional steps. Luckily, there’s an easy fix.

A very important notice to follow for the proper functioning of the Mac

First of all, we need to know why our Mac makes this request. The our Mac’s password is used for many things on the computer. Examples of this are unlocking system keychain and iCloud, unlocking the Mac with the Apple Watch, and behind the scenes it is used for encryption of a large amount of information when accessing services. Apple.

For safety reasons, password expires from time to time and depending on the use made of the Mac Certain actions, such as disconnecting from the App Store —sometimes— can also cause this request. Going back to the situation itself, given the use of this password, when the notice is presented, we want to fix it quickly.

In general, all we have to do before this notice is to go to the Apple menu, touch System Parameters oh System Preferencesto land Confirm Mac Passwordto touch Continue, enter the password and the message disappears. sometimes but we need to restart the Mac to make sure the process is successful.

If that doesn’t solve the problem, we have two additional resources. One is sign out of iCloud and sign back in. The other is to try to log in with our iCloud account in a new Mac user. If this last measure is resolved, we can transfer information from one user to another with relative ease, since many, such as installed applications, are already shared between accounts.

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In any case, what is more than recommendable is that don’t ignore this reviewWell, even if it’s not immediately noticeable when using the Mac, the experience becomes less fluid. An opinion, it is also true, which is generally not given, and which when it occurs can be settled quickly. And if we need additional resources to solve it, we have them available to us as well. Everything to keep your Mac running at peak performance.

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