iOS 18 will allow you to modify the Apple TV or HomePod which acts as a Hub or accessory center

Hub or Accessory Center in iOS 18

Apple introduced many new features in the new operating systems and it was impossible to demonstrate all the capabilities and highlight all the changes in just a 2-hour presentation. For this reason, the developers are revealing, thanks to the developer betas published last Monday, all the new features that appear in the new operating systems and which did not have a place in the inaugural WDC24 keynote. One of these new features is iOS 18 and the possibility of choose which Apple TV or HomePod in our home acts as a hub or accessory center to control the rest of the accessories in our home.

We explain the full implications and context of this change below.

Years of fighting for iOS 18 to allow changing the default hub

Home automation has become one of the most important elements for Apple in recent years, especially after the integration of HomePod and Apple TV into its product network. To can control HomeKit and Matter accessories when we are not at home we need a hub or accessories center it allows us to connect and know what is happening in our home. This hub can be any HomePod or any Apple TV (from the 4th generation included).

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Until now, iOS automatically chose the device and this sometimes caused it to choose the oldest device or the one with a poorer connection, which made it difficult for the entire network of connected accessories to work optically. to our devices. Thanks to iOS 18 this will change since introduces the possibility of manually choosing which Apple TV or HomePod in our house will act as a hub or accessory center.

It is important to emphasize that to do all this, it is necessary that all devices affected (iPad, iPhone, Apple TV or HomePod) tengan installed beta versions of new operating systems to be able to use this function. Nevertheless, many users comment that they do not have this function available in the Home application settings, so it is possible that in the beta 2 version of iOS 18 Apple improves the system and fixes this problem.



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