It is official, Realme 14 Pro will be presented at the MWC and shows its unusual design in the filtered images


It is official, Realme 14 Pro will be presented at the MWC and shows its unusual design in the filtered images

android mobiles, design, filtered, images, Kingdom, MWC, official, presented, Pro, Realme, shows, Space, Unusual

The Android mobile market is at an ideal time in terms of innovation and technology. It is more and more frequent to see brands that Launch of innovative smartphones in Europe Or that they have certain technologies that the competition does not have, and it is very positive for each mobile and each brand to have added value in a different way.

2025 has just started, and everything indicates that this year, large launches will be observed on the smartphones market, such as the foldable folding of Samsung or the mobile with 200 MPx Zoom which prepares Xiaomi and promises to obtain excellent results.

Realme would also be about to launch a new member of the high range, Realme 14 Pro, and this device would have the possibility of changing color depending on the cold or the heat it makes. Now, the company has confirmed that, for the first time, it will present its flagship product to the mobile World Congress.

Realm 14 Pro

The Chinese company has just confirmed that the presentation of the new realme 14 pro It will take place at the Mobile World Congress. This is a news that attracts enough attention, taking into account that it is the first time that the company has attended the agreement.

With this ad, the brand has also published an image in which you can see the form and the design with which the device will have. Without a doubt, what emerges the most is The large circular chamber module which was located at the rear and the large size of its three sensors.

Otra característica imprescindible de mencionar sobre este dispositivo es que contaría con una parte trasera capaz de cambiar de color basándose en el frío que haga. Sería el primer móvil de este tipo, y sin duda se trataría de un añadido único en diseño, que permitiría contar con dos aspectos distintos sin cambiar de dispositivo. 

Además de esto, en el dispositivo integraría las funciones de inteligencia artificial que ofrece NextAI y que también contaría con novedades que la compañía revelaría en el propio evento. También se han prometido novedades en materia fotográfica, por lo que habrá que estar atentos para ver qué es lo que el dispositivo tiene que ofrecer.

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