A year ago, at iFixit, they discovered something as curious as it is interesting: a temperature and humidity sensor hidden in the HomePod mini. And by then it was already quite clear that it was not a sensor to protect the internal components of the enclosurebecause it was placed away from the electronics and closer to the surface.
In other words: the HomePod mini seems able to detect the temperature and humidity of the room it is in. But a year after this discovery and almost a year and a half after its launch, these sensors they are still not the protagonists of a novelty that could have been activated through software
No news sign on the ‘HomePod front’
That a HomePod mini is able to detect the temperature and humidity of its environment could bring several additional functions to the speaker. these readings can be integrated with HomeKit and be part of automations from other devices, for example. We would also save having thermometers and other sensors at home, in this case simplifying is winning.
We have to remember that we’re still waiting for Apple to roll out more new “HomePod mini technology-based” as promised when the original HomePod was discontinued. These sensors can be reserved for a series of novelties that we have not yet seen, attached to new products.
Or it could also be that Apple planned to launch more features in the HomePod mini that it eventually ditched, if we look at it more pessimistically. The funny thing is, removing that soundbar that Mark Gurman mentioned a while ago, there were no more rumors
When might we see news about it? Well, maybe at WWDC22, when Apple announces new features across all of its operating systems. Or in the fall, when new accessories are introduced with the aim of making them great Christmas gifts for the end of the year. At the moment we continue with many doubts and very little information about it.