We thought we had seen everything on YouTube, but no. The app is constantly evolving and introducing new features quite frequently. It is worth that many are not great revolutions because the essence of the platform is retained, but some features are introduced that are less interesting. And I, like many others, can try them first.
Actually, you too can receive these features in advance. And it is that you do not have to be someone extremely important for YouTube to notice you, because anyone with YouTube Premium can access these features.
These are YouTube’s experimental features for the ‘premium’
A few years ago, YouTube’s experimental features were open to everyone. However, it is now an essential requirement to be subscribed to YouTube Premium. We recall that it is the payment method of the platform which, in addition to allowing you to download videos, consume them in the background and other advantages.
But beware, it is not enough to be a ‘premium’ subscriber to be able to test functions with which YouTube tests, but you must also aim to receive this type of functionality. To do this, you must open the YouTube application on your mobile, click on your photo and go to ‘Your Premium Benefits’. Here you need to enter ‘Try new features’ and Go by pointing one by one each experimental test.
These functions usually have features that will eventually officially arrive on the app, either as a new feature for ‘premium’ subscribers or for everyone. And as its “experimental” name already suggests, they don’t always end up arriving. Occasionally, features can take years to implement or don’t directly scale YouTube and end up in the trash. Likewise, not everything coming to YouTube has passed as an experimental feature before.
And recent example of an experimental function We have it in the possibility of zooming in on the videos as if it were a photograph. Months later, this function has finally reached all users, including those who do not pay a subscription.
It must also be said that there are not always experimental functions to test, so it is convenient to browse the aforementioned section of the YouTube app and see if there are any news. In some cases, there is a deadline to register, so you have to be quick not to be left out.
YouTube’s beta on Google Play also anticipates the news
Since 2018, YouTube has had a beta version on Google Play. In it are included new things that are about to be released stably, although there is also the possibility that they will eventually be discarded. Another important note is that the experimental features we discussed earlier only appear here when they are about to arrive.
For sign up for youtube beta You need to access this link with which you can become a beta tester. Once you accept it, in a few minutes you will receive an app update on Google Play, which will now be the beta version. With this, you’ll still be in beta and receive updates from Google Play as if it were just another app (it really is).
If you want leave this beta program you just need to uninstall the app and reinstall YouTube from Google Play. This is fundamental if we take into account that betas can be unstable and make your YouTube experience worse. Then if you want to go back to the beta again, you have to follow the process mentioned above, because at the moment there is no registration and deletion limit, so you can change according to what interests you.
Cover image | Wikipedia | Succo on Pixabay | Model studio
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