Everyone learns in a different way, so if you’ve tried learning a new language with more traditional systems, Beelinguapp offers a fun approach that actually makes a lot of sense. You can now purchase a lifetime subscription for just $39.99 and passively learn your choice of 14 languages simply by listening to a wide selection of audiobooks.
How it works? As the audio plays, you will be able to see the text scrolling in two different languages: yours and the one you want to learn. Hearing how to pronounce words and seeing them at the same time engages two different parts of your brain and speeds up the process. This approach has many vocal fans and you can read over 57,000 of their testimonials on the Google Play Store.
You can now purchase a lifetime subscription to language learning app Beelinguapp for $39.99 (reg. $100).
Beelinguapp language learning app: lifetime subscription – $39.99
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