Choosing what to watch can be overwhelming in itself, but the difficulty increases as you try to find yourselfa movie that a whole bunch of people love. Fortunately, the technology is here to help, in the form of a new app.
Movie Swiper is a new application, already available on Google Play, which acts as a local Tinder, between friends, in which You’re not looking to have a match with a person, but with a movie that you love you and your friends.
Choose what to watch by loving
If the discussions about what to watch with your partner or friends last longer than the movies themselves, maybe it’s time to try something new: an app where you can mark the movies you like and check out matches with other people.
The operation is quite similar to Tinder, although with knowledge, because first of all you need create an account and create a group in which to include all the people you want to agree on. The account is created with a name, password, and email address, which other people can use to add you to the group.
Then it’s time to start categorizing the movies, which are displayed in an estate to Tinder and you can mark as you want, with a green heart, or not, with the X in red. If you are undecided, there is a button to skip the question and another that shows you additional information about the movie like its synopsis, score on IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes, or its length.
At first the selection is a bit random and you could rank the movies until the end of time, although in the first tab you can mark the genres you are interested in so that you don’t waste time rating the movies from superhero when you like what you like. are musicals. Of course, unlike Tinder, here You can see before you rate if your friends liked it
When several people in the group coincide in a movie, a match occurs, which is compiled into the group information. In it are listed all the members’ joint films, so it should be, in theory at least, easy to pick one of these to watch without anyone failing. In theory.