If we talk about stickers, we still have Telegram as the absolute owner of the cotaro, but be careful because it does not mean that WhatsApp does not advance at this stage. The messaging application par excellence in USA has started to take advantage of the artificial intelligence of iOS 16 in its favor.
This artificial intelligence is what allows us to automatically copy and paste the subjects of our photos, cutting out the background without us having to do anything else. WhatsApp takes advantage of this feature to be able to create stickers effortlessly.
Making stickers for WhatsApp is easier than ever
The mechanism for doing this is simple: if you want to create a sticker from a photo, all you have to do is save that photo to your iPhone and then keep your finger pressed on the subject. You will see that said subject is highlighted (a visual effect will indicate this).
While keeping your finger pressed on this subject, you can switch apps and open WhatsApp. You can drop this topic at the top of a service conversation to offer to convert it into a WhatsApp sticker, as you can see below:
Anyway, a warning: it seems that this function it still propagates to all usersso it might not result in a sticker but an image with a white background:
Don’t worry if this happens to you, you weren’t wrong. Your WhatsApp client simply hasn’t enabled this feature yet (in some cases it may be intermittent). To speed up the process, you can always search for updating WhatsApp to the latest version, and of course use iOS 16 on your iPhone. Older versions do not have the ability to automatically crop subjects.
It is to be hoped that this novelty will eventually consolidate in all clients, which would end the need to use applications like Sticker Maker. Having stickers in our WhatsApp is not a vital need, but it can always add humor to our conversations.
In Applesphere | Farewell to one of WhatsApp’s biggest annoyances: the app will be updated on iOS with improvements in data management