These issues do not represent Apple's plans, but they do pave the way for everything we could do more than what this company could do in the future. Today a new meaning has been laid DisplayPort Alt Mode 2.0, making the DisplayPort 2.0 interface announced last year along with USB4 connectivity.
USB4, meanwhile, is the result of Intel's release of all Thunderbolt data 3. So, for practical purposes, the future will include USB-C ports and wires to use such as Thunderbolt 3, USB4, and DisplayPort 2.0. And that would mean a picture that might have been unimaginable so far.
Design decisions over the next decade
It's possible to make a difference in too many words, so let's move on to the results of all this integration: bandwidths up to 77.4 Gbps would allow work with two 8K displays or one 16K display at 60Hz and HDR color profiles. Apple's highest-resolution display is currently 6K, thus paving the way for more advanced panels in the long run.
The introduction of this technology will also allow the sale of accessories without the need for manufacturers to pay works of royalty. Prices will drop and communications will be popular. So, it's very possible that future Macs will be compatible with this new DisplayPort model. If there is no delay and the coronavirus allows it, we should see it sometime in 2021.