summarizes results using AI


summarizes results using AI

apps, artificial intelligence, results, summarizes, Web browser

The use of artificial intelligence can completely change the web search industry. As Google continues to work on Bard, alternatives present themselves; It’s not just Microsoft with ChatGPT, we also see other browsers wanting to stand out with smart features.

[Esta IA revela qué es lo que la gente piensa de ti, y las respuestas te pueden emocionar]

The last example is perhaps one of the most interesting, because of its origin. You may be familiar with Brave Browser, one of the browsers that promises to fight internet tracking; what you might not know is that it has its own web browser, Brave Search, and now has AI features.

Brave’s search engine, now with AI

Brave Search is a web browser similar to DuckDuckGo, in that it presents itself as a private search engine focusing on anonymity; the difference is that it seeks to answer all searches with its own independent search engine, instead of relying on third parties such as Bing or Google.

Brave's search engine now displays summaries using artificial intelligence

Brave’s search engine now displays summaries using artificial intelligence

The new feature introduced today is part of this idea that all we will need is Brave’s browser and search engine. It is a summary of content, capable of analyzing search results and showing us the answer to the question we are looking for.

Brave's browser gains smart features

El buscador de Brave gana funciones inteligentes

Por ejemplo, si tenemos la duda de si el ibuprofeno y el paracetamol son lo mismo, Brave Search mostrará los resultados de búsqueda de páginas que responden a esa duda, pero también mostrará un recuadro superior en el que explicará la diferencia entre ambos fármacos, con enlaces a las fuentes que ha usado.

Además, la IA también se encargará de destacar frases relevantes a nuestra búsqueda en los resultados; por ejemplo, mostrando en negrita un detalle que puede servir para resolver nuestra duda.

With curiosity, Brave no usa ChatGPT for these summaries, but various language models developed by the company itself, continuing its philosophy of being as independent as possible. Whether this is good or bad for the user remains to be seen, and it all depends on the quality of the summaries produced by this AI.

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