Pavel Durov, through his own messaging app, again spoke out against Apple over the delay of an important update for Telegram.
Pavel DurovCEO and Founder of Telegram, come back and attack apple with harsh statements. The main reason is to delay the approval of a major update to your messaging app that “it will revolutionize the way people express themselves”.
Apple review process delaying Telegram plans, Durov says
During these days, Durov spoke about it and said he loves his job improving the way hundreds of millions of people communicate daily. The review points directly to the aforementioned update, defining it as a “dark overhaul process”
About the update, Durov reveals that he will revolutionize the way people express themselves in messages. The review process took two weeks without incident. It is one of the most popular apps from Apple and is among the top 10 most popular apps in the world and has just released the premium mode. He regrets that an application like this receives this kind of treatment
Severe lag that not only hits users but also pockets
As if that weren’t enough, Durov said that the delay is not only a reason for demoralization, but also leads to direct losses for hundreds of thousands of applications. in the world. Damages that are in addition to the known commissions that Apple and Google charge and should be used to have sufficient resources to review applications. Such damage cannot be repaired. Simply put, the damage has already been done to the tech industry.
Recall that last June, the founder of Telegram had accused Apple of the governments of the world of taking measures in this matter because of the problem of alternative navigation engines on their devices. A company that “revolutionized the mobile web is the biggest hurdle.” On Telegram, he also said that you should not trust what you can read on his own platform.