Have you ever turned on your iPhone without getting the app? Don't you know where the last game you downloaded you downloaded? If so, this post is for you. Of course we will always have a Spotlight to save us from the rush of not getting something, but if you like to have your iPhone clean read on to know the best tricks for getting your iPhone screen organized.
How to lock the lock screen in editing mode
Since most of the actions we'll do start by activating our device's screen editing mode, let's start with the basics. To use editing mode you must do the following:
Press 1st and save above any app you want to deploy for example.
2º In the context menu that will open press "Set screen startup".
If you do this from iOS 12 you simply have to keep pressing the app until it starts to panic, then you can make the changes you want.
If you do this you will be able to move applications, delete them, delete them into folders and rearrange them overall. Let's continue to see how. +
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How to move apps to the home screen
1º Activate the editing mode as we described earlier.
2nd Drag the application you want to move to its new location, and discard it there.
To turn off editing mode when using iPhone 8 or less you can press the Home button, if you use iPhone X or higher to turn it off you will have to press the button that will appear in the top right corner that says "Done".
How to move apps between various home screens
1º Activate the editing mode as we described earlier.
2º Press and drag the app you want to move to the edge of the screen you want to move.
For example if you want to move it to your home screen on the right, Drag the app to the right, if it is on the previous home screen, on the left.
Release 3 application to the new screen where you want to be.
4º Turn off editing mode as previously described.
In the case that you want to move several apps at once, while you press the app you want to move, with a second finger touch the apps you want to move, you'll see how they are organized. Then the process of moving them is the same.
How to move apps to the new home screen
1º Activate the editing mode as we described earlier.
2º Press and drag the app you want to navigate to the edge of the screen and you can see it moving through all the home screens you have until you reach the end.
In editing mode, if this is the case when we need an extra new home screen, the empty home screen is created at the end of the active home screens we have.
3 Drop is the application or applications you wanted to deploy on this blank page.
4º Turn off editing mode as previously described.
How to remove apps from your home screen
We have one option if we don't use iOS 13 and two if we use it, we'll start with the iOS 12 form.
1º Click on the app you want until it starts to pan and you have an active editing mode
2nd In the top left corner of each app icon will appear a cross, pressing it.
Make sure you want to delete this application.
4º Turn off editing mode as previously described.
In iOS 13 as we have shown there are two ways, the first is like iOS 12:
1º Activate the editing mode as we explained earlier, in this case it already appears in the context menu of any app the "Edit screen start" option.
2º In the same way that in iOS 12 you will see some crosses in the upper corners of the apps, click on what you want to remove.
3º Make sure you want to delete this application.
4º Turn off editing mode as previously described.
The second method is completely new from this version of iOS.
Press first and hold on to the app you want to delete until the context menu opens.
2º In the menu "Delete app" option will appear, click on it.
Make sure you want to delete this application.
4º Turn off editing mode as previously described.
If we want to reinstall an app sometime we can do it by downloading it from the App Store. In later versions of iOS we can also remove apps that come automatically to the system, such as the "Bag" app.
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How to create a folder on your home screen
1th Activate editing mode.
2º Click on the app you want to move to a folder and drag it to another app and where you want to be in the same folder.
Thirdly until they are compiled, the folder will be automatically created.
4th Turn off editing mode.
The first name of the folder is determined by the system according to its content. If we set up social media apps it would be called social networks, if we set up financial apps it would be called finance for example.
How to rename a folder
Renaming a folder if we don't like the one provided by iOS by default should follow these steps:
1º Activate the edit mode in the context menu of the application within the folder in which you want to change the name.
2º Apart from shaking applications, a folder name will appear with an X next to it to remove and rewrite it. Choose the name you like.
3th Turn off editing mode.
How to add and remove apps from an already created folder
To add the following:
1th Activate editing mode.
2nd Drag the app you want to add to the folder in question and wait for it to open. Release it to the state you want to be.
3th Turn off editing mode.
To delete apps from a folder you must do this:
1th Activate editing mode.
2º Click on the application you want to move from the folder and remove it from the contour square that acts as a folder.
Third If you are on the home screen, drag to the place where you want to be and release it.
4th Turn off editing mode.
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How to delete a folder
To delete a folder, all we have to do is remove all the apps that contain it, remove them, or put them back on the home screen. Once we have released the main folder app, with the last app it will disappear and will return to the home screen.
How to restore the home screen of your iPhone
If at any time you need your device's home screen to match the start date, you simply follow these steps:
1º Open the settings, then search for "General".
2º Inside "General" drop completely and enter "Reset".
3º Press "Reset home screens" and then "Reset" on the pop-up screen that will appear.
So far you have some tips and tricks for having your iPhone screen shot properly. If you have your own tactics, don't hesitate to leave us in the comments section below..
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