A bot created by a retail store promotes the purchase of refurbished products, a surprise campaign in which AirDrop invaded several Apple Stores to spread the word.
AirDrop is the feature that allows sending and receiving files quickly and easily on iOS, iPadOS and macOS. This feature is so convenient that was used for an advertising campaign on refurbished products. The best way to expose it was through the Apple Store. How did they do it?
A bold advertising campaign for a store thanks to AirDrop
At a time when the security of our devices is the most important thing, this store cared very little about it considering that they are the official Apple stores. This video, titled “Back Market – Hack Market”, shows how they infiltrated via a bot that sends messages to all iPhones in the store. A campaign that was carried out in the main stores of London, Paris and Berlin.
They hid iPhones programmed with the AirDrop bot in water bottles within range of devices. The video shows all the customers who received a surprised message from the bot itself. What is the final message? Buy refurbished products instead of new. A seen on a customer’s iPhone sends the message that you can have the “same product you’re holding” (i.e. an iPhone) refurbished for less.
A campaign that could not be possible without Apple itself
This campaign has not been officially sanctioned or refused by those of Cupertino. At the end of the video clip, you can see the thank you message for loaning your devices (unintentionally) to promote refurbished products.
In another part of the video, you can see that the message is accompanied by a preview of the product and the price. ** Not only do they content themselves with conveying the message of buying refurbished, but also getting into the consumer’s mind, by specifying the savings that this represents.
Aggressive and surprising a campaign that left a good taste in most people’s mouths that appear in the video. The bad thing is that it shows that, If your device’s AirDrop isn’t set up correctly, it can be a double-edged sword. Just remember a recent story from a United Airlines flight, passengers were given a photo of a gun thrown in the air, which was a “joke” by a teenager who was pulled from the plane.
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